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<h1 id="productName" class="productGeneral ">Links Of London Friendship Bracelet Pewter Dark Blue Double Wrap</h1>

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<span class="normalprice ">&euro;154.78 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice ">&euro;39.61</span><span class="productPriceDiscount "><br />Save:&nbsp;74% off</span></h2>

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<div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText "> <p>Links Of London Friendship Bracelet Pewter Dark Blue Double Wrap<br/>These accessories are the best sellers this year. It is popular for its meticulous design and unique style. You can use it as mobile strap, bracelet, necklace or even as collection. <br/>As the prevalent of Links of London, a visual and tactual feast unfolds in front of people. Some people even buy it for collection. It blends the modern fearless artistic style in and breaks the traditional jewelry style. <br/>We shrink all the beautiful things delicately as accessories. You can put the scaled-down version of things you like as your mobile strap, bracelet or necklace. It would make you feel better. You must be glad and proud when you find that your accessory is unique and alternative.<br/>Product Feature:<br/>Introducing gorgeous new Double wrap Friendship Bracelet to our ever expanding collection of Friendship Bracelets. Hand woven with Pewter & Dark thread, these sterling silver bracelets are a modern, grown up take on the friendship bands we made as children.<br/>Circumference:15cm 18cm .Free Links Of London Charm & Chain!<br/>Maintenance attention:<br/> 1. You should avoid wearing the same piece of jewelry for a long time.<br/> 2. Take the jewelry off before you bathe or swimming.<br/> 3. Put it in the original package or the jewelry case with independent lattice to avoid the harm cost by the rub.<br/> 4. Use the soft brush to clean the jewelry occasionally. </p></div>

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