Basic Potantial Of English Grammar - Musa Eraslan - Ana Fikri   Konuyu açan: alptraum   İlk Mesaj: 05-16-2011 (01:30)   Son Mesaj: 05-16-2011 (01:30)    Cevap: 0    Gösterim: 695  


    Basic Potantial Of English Grammar - Musa Eraslan - Ana Fikri

    Yayınevi: Babil Yayınevi
    Basım Tarihi: Ocak 2007
    Kitap Türü: Diğer / Edebiyat

    This book for elemantary and pre-intermediate students combines reference grammer and practice exercises in a single volume. With Turkish meanings of all sentences: students can easily understand grammar structures. Provides comprehensive coverage in simple language of the the problems all students often have. Designed to be flexible: teachers can select the units which are relevant to the needs of their students.

    Basic Potantial Of English Grammar - Musa Eraslan - Ana Fikri Yorumları