De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Other W - Oscar Wilde - Ana Fikri   Konuyu açan: tasfirin77   İlk Mesaj: 03-11-2011 (14:20)   Son Mesaj: 03-11-2011 (14:20)    Cevap: 0    Gösterim: 1300  


    De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Other W - Oscar Wilde - Özeti

    De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Other W - Oscar Wilde - Özeti, De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Other W Kitabı, Kitap Özeti, Ana Fikir

    Yayınevi: Wordsworth
    Basım Tarihi: Aralık 2002
    Kitap Türü: Okul Öncesi / Çizgi Roman

    De Profundis is Oscar Wilde s eloquent and bitter reproach from prison to his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas ( Bosie ). In a extended letter Wilde accuses Lord Alfred of selfishness, shallowness, parasitism, greed, extravagance, tantrums, pettiness and neglect. He contrasts this behaviour towards him with the selfless devotoion of his close friend. Robert Ros ( Robbie ) who became Wilde s literary executor, gave the work its title (from the opening of Psalm 130) and who published a shortened version of it in 1905.

    Diğer "Oscar Wilde" Kitapları:

    1. Nar Evi
    2. Oscar Wilde Tüm Öyküler
    3. Sanatçı: Eleştirmen, Yalancı, Katil Estetik Ve Eti
    4. Yalancılık Sanatı
    5. Şu Bizim Hortlak
    6. Dorian Gray'in Portresi
    7. Bay W. H. nin Portresi
    8. Ciddi Olmanın Önemi (The Importance of Being Earne
    9. Lady Windermere in Yelpazesi

    De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Other W - Oscar Wilde - Özeti Yorumları