Yayınevi: Beşir Yayınevi
Basım Tarihi: Nisan 2009
Kitap Türü: Roman / Edebiyat
The life of a boy who waits for his love and happiness. He meets Magwitch, Miss Havisham and Estella. And those people become the center of his life even when he is grown up. This story will make you consider your expectations from life.
Diğer "Charles Dickens" Kitapları:
1. Müşterek Dostumuz
2. İki Şehrin Hikayesi (Cep Boy)
3. A Christmas Carol (Audio CD li)
4. Yedi Yoksul Gezgin
5. Oliver Twist in Maceraları
6. David Copperfield
7. Perili Ev
8. Tuhaf Bir Serüven