Dark Fields of Civilisation - Ali Güneş - Ana Fikri   Konuyu açan: tasfirin77   İlk Mesaj: 01-10-2011 (20:10)   Son Mesaj: 01-10-2011 (20:10)    Cevap: 0    Gösterim: 562  


    Dark Fields of Civilisation - Ali Güneş - Ana Fikri

    Yayınevi: Orient Yayınları
    Basım Tarihi: Mart 2007
    Kitap Türü: Diğer / Edebiyat

    If you insist upon fighting to protect me, or our country, let it be understood soberly and rationally between us that you are fighting to gratify a sex instinct, which I cannot share; to procure benefits where I have not shared and probably will not share. Virginia Woolf

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