Reyting: 11 oylama, 1.73 averaj.

vBulletin 3.8.x wysiwyg editor Chrome

09-06-2013 Tarihinde saat 02:07alptraum tarafından yazıldı

If you use Chrome , then you can not use in vBulletin 3.8 wysig editor . I declare for solution ;

Open editor_clientscript


and insert before

if ($.browser.webkit) {

	var alptraumeditor = {
		onLoad : function(){
			if($('#vB_Editor_001').length > 0){
				******** = 'javascript:switch_editor_mode("vB_Editor_001");is_saf=false;is_moz=true';
				$('<td><div id="vB_Editor_001_cmd_switchmode" class="imagebutton" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(241, 246, 248); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(49, 106, 197);"><img height="20" width="21" alt="" src="'+ alptraumeditor.src+'" title=""></div></td>').insertAfter($('#vB_Editor_001_cmd_resize_0_100').parent());
			if($('#vB_Editor_QR').length > 0){
				******** = 'javascript:switch_editor_mode("vB_Editor_QR");is_saf=false;is_moz=true';
				$('<td><div id="vB_Editor_QR_cmd_switchmode" class="imagebutton" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(225, 225, 226); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 1px; border: medium none;"><img height="20" width="21" alt="" src="'+ alptraumeditor.src+'" title=""></div></td>').insertAfter($('#vB_Editor_QR_cmd_resize_0_99').parent());
		checkForNewEditor : function(){
			var vBulletin_editor = null;
			if($('td.vBulletin_editor:not(.switched)').length > 0){
				vBulletin_editor = $('td.vBulletin_editor');
				var vB_Editor_QE = $(vBulletin_editor).closest('table');
				if(typeof $(vB_Editor_QE).attr('id') == "undefined") return;
				var vB_Editor_QE_X = $(vB_Editor_QE).attr('id').replace('_editor','');
				$('#'+ vB_Editor_QE_X +'_textarea')[0].style.width = "100%";
				******** = 'javascript:switch_editor_mode("'+ vB_Editor_QE_X +'");is_saf=false;is_moz=true';
				$('<td><div id="'+ vB_Editor_QE_X +'_cmd_switchmode" class="imagebutton" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(241, 246, 248); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(49, 106, 197);"><img height="20" width="21" alt="" src="'+ alptraumeditor.src+'"></div></td>').insertAfter($('#'+ vB_Editor_QE_X +'_cmd_resize_0_99').parent());

down load the jquery

jquery (30.2 KB (Kilobyte))

Upload to /clientscript directory

Open editor_clientscript

Add top

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/jquery.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
and that's it

Resmi gerçek boyutunda görmek için tıklayın.

Resmin ismi:  Download.png
Görüntüleme: 4247
Büyüklüğü:  16.3 KB (Kilobyte)
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