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Louis Vuitton Judy PM Noir M40257

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<h1 id="productName" class="productGeneral ">Louis Vuitton Judy PM Noir M40257</h1>

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<span class="normalprice ">&euro;318.72 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice ">&euro;161.54</span><span class="productPriceDiscount "><br />Save:&nbsp;49% off</span></span>

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<BR><div class="mytext ">JUDY PM<br />Judy PM is the smallest version of this striking new family in Monogram Multicolore canvas. Thanks to its cute size, it can be easily carried for both day or evening use.<br />Size (LxHxD): 13.2" x 7.7" x 6.5"<br />- Monogram multicolore canvas, microfiber lining, trimmings in natural cowhide leather<br />- Golden brass pieces<br />- An easy closing system thanks to the magnetic top<br />- A '2 in 1' pocket (a pocket closed with a press button flap + an extra back pocket)<br />- Hand carry or shoulder carry (non removable strap)<br />- Bottom studs to protect the bag and golden brass rivet detail<br />PRODUCT ID: M40257<br />COLOR:NOIR<br /></div>

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Baguette:Longer, small, narrow bag by using a shoulder bracelet, carried within arm. <br />
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Pompadour:Small velvet or ribbons pouches put on hanging with a cord helpful to carry small to medium sized items, a good notebook and / or money. <br />
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カラフルなè*±ãƒ—ムント2pcsのホルター ƒ“ã‚*ニセット

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