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<span class="normalprice ">&euro;253.96 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice ">&euro;101.80</span><span class="productPriceDiscount "><br />Save:&nbsp;60% off</span></span>

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<div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText ">Caractéristiques:<ul><li>Haute résolution in-ears pour les jeux détaillée, des effets de cinéma</li><li>La conception de pilote avancé pour plus de clarté audio précis</li><li>Les haut-parleurs supplémentaires importantes pour des basses profondes super-</li><li>Haute amplificateur alimenté numérique joue hip hop, rock, R + B et plus fort, sans distorsion</li><li>Câble Monster breveté plat avec un design enchevêtrement résistant</li><li>Isolation Powered? la technologie permet d'éliminer efficacement le bruit externe</ul><br/><br/>Spécifications<ul><li>Type de Jack: Straight</li><li>Poids: 260 grammes</li><li>Longueur du câble: 4,25 m ft./1.3</li><li>Réponse en fréquence: 20Hz �* 20kHz Dimension</ul><br/><br/>Les artistes et les producteurs travaillent dur en studio pour perfectionner leur son. Mais les gens ne peuvent pas vraiment l'entendre avec des écouteurs normaux. La plupart des écouteurs ne peut pas gérer la basse, le détail, la dynamique. En bout de ligne, la musique ne vous déplacez.<strong>Monster Beats</strong>par casque Dr Dre en studio non seulement offrir un son incroyable, mais intégrer une conception de pointe et des fonctionnalités utiles pour rendre votre expérience d'écoute du mieux qu'il peut l'être. Un son exceptionnel ne se produit pas sans câble grande. Avancée Quadripole construction 4 paires torsadées réduit la perte de signal pour un son parfaitement équilibré et pas cher clarity.This extrême est Dr Dre Beats, accueillir de choisir un autre style.</div>

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  Kresoxim methyl
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lspeichersamue 0 Yok
  Tetrafluoroethane based description
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Tetrafluoroethane based description
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Tetrafluoroethane based description
2010-9-21 0:38:20118
Tetrafluoroethane – an inert gas used primarily as a high-temperature refrigerant for domestic refrigeration and automobile air conditioners.
Tetrafluoroethane is a haloalkane refrigerant with thermodynamic properties similar to R-12 (dichlorodifluoromethane), but without its ozone depletion potential. tetrafluoroethane Used primarily as a high-temperature refrigerant for domestic refrigeration and automobile air conditioners, it can also be found in cleaning solvents and as a propellant for the delivery of pharmaceuticals (e.g. bronchodilators), gas dusters, and in air driers for removing the moisture from compressed air. Moisture present in compressed air has a harmful effect on pneumatic systems.
Aerosol cans containing tetrafluoroethane, when inverted, become effective freeze sprays. Under pressure, Iodobenzene tetrafluoroethane is compressed into a liquid, which absorbs a significant amount of thermal energy upon vaporization.
These days, tetrafluoroethane is one of several over-the-counter chemicals being abused by teenagers in the United States. National surveys indicate that more than 22.9 million Americans have abused inhalants at least once in their lives. In coming years, Piperazine the practices of “huffing” and “dusting” have gained popularity in adolescents and teens aged 12 to 17. “Huffers” gravitate towards oven cleaners, spray paints, and aerosol deodorants by spraying the contents into a paper bag, placing the bag over their faces, and inhaling the contents.Pyridine “Dusters” inhale computer-cleaning sprays containing difluroethane or tetrafluoroethane.
One of the most prevalent stories circulating the Internet is that of 14-year-old Kyle Williams, a Cleveland, Ohio resident who died in March 2005 after inhaling tetrafluoroethane from a can of Dust-Off. The week before he died, Kyle exhibited few symptoms; according to his parents, he vomited once and complained of a numb tongue. Initial symptoms usually include drowsiness, lightheadedness, and loss of inhibition, while further use can lead to dizziness, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate hallucinations, and impaired judgment.
I read a post earlier where someone asked for the facts on this product. Hope this information is helpful. Also, here is a link to very good and detailed info on the subject over-all, including side-effects, Mercaptobenzothiazole products and mortality ratings on different products .

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